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Privacy Policy

Privacy policy and personal data management for SCANELIS clients

SCANELIS as responsible for data processing is likely to collect and treat personal data about you as part of the utilization of its services.

SCANELIS is committed to the respect of the rules on the protection of confidential information. As part of our services, the personal data process observes the applicable local regulation for the protection of your personal information, particularly the modified provision of French law “informatique et libertés” of January 6, 1978 and the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation UE 2016/679 of April 27, 2016) or GDPR.

Our goal in regards to the protection of personal information is to:

  • Provide a clear and transparent information about the processing of your personal data.
  • Set up all the technical and organizational means to protect your personal information against its disclosure, loss, modification or access by an unauthorized third party.
  • Keep your personal information only for the period of time necessary to the realization of the defined service.
  • Offer you the possibility to have access to your personal information and to modify them at any time given.

We implement the appropriate technical and organizational means to ensure that the treatments are conformable to the applicable law for the protection of personal information.

Which personal information do we collect?

The information being processed by SCANELIS is limited to the surname, first name, function, postal address, phone number, email addresse(s) and GNI or IBAN if you have chosen to pay your invoices by direct debit.
Your personal information can be collected when:

  • You send a PCR analysis form
  • Contact the customer service via our contact form on our website, by email or by phone
  • Create an account via a PCR analysis form, email or phone call

Why do we use your information?

Your personal information is collected for the detailed purposes below. They are by no means exchanged or sold to a third party. They allow us to commit to our contractual engagements with you when you request SCANELIS services.

  • Analysis file management
    We collect and use your personal information in order to register your record, follow the analysis process (from sample reception to disclosure of the results), send you the analysis report and the related invoice.
  • Customer relationship management
    We use and collect your personal information in order to update our client file and offer adapted services and personalized promotions.
  • Customer relationship
    We use and collect your personal information in order to keep contact with you about your records, your invoices or claims.
  • Personalized client space
    We use and collect your personal information in order to sign you up into your personal space and to ensure an optimal functioning.
  • Legal or regulatory requirement
    We may be requested to disclose your personal information by lawful requirement from legal public authorities in regards to national security, fight against fraud and law enforcement.

Who has access to your personal information?

We ensure that only authorized SCANELIS staff can have access to your personal information when this access is deemed necessary for the execution of our commercial relationship.

Our service providers can also be the recipient of personal data strictly necessary to the realization of services with which we have entrusted them. (I.e. a subcontracted analysis laboratory for a serological analysis). The operations with a provider receiving your information are subjected to a written agreement in order to ensure the protection of your data and respect of your rights.

How long do we keep your personal information?

The data are collected in the respect of the French legislation and of the European regulation.

SCANELIS is committed not to retain your personal information for a period longer than necessary for the treatment of their purposes. Moreover, SCANELIS manages your personal information in conformity to the period of time imposed by the applicable laws and in accordance to the statutory obligations to which SCANELIS is submitted for the realization of some analyses.

At the end, we process to the archiving of your data to meet the limitation and fiscal periods, and those of legal actions.

How to exercise your rights?

In accordance to the applicable regulation for the protection of your personal information, you can, whenever you want, exercise your rights:

  • right to oppose to our processing of your personal information
  • right to have access to your personal information
  • right to rectify your personal information
  • right to data erasure
  • right to data portability
  • right to treatment limitation
  • right to define instructions related to the collection, erasure and communication of your personal information after death.
    You also have the right to oppose to our treatment of your personal information for commercial purposes.

You can exercise your rights:

  • by email, using the contact form on our website or directly by: contact@scanelis.com or scanelis@scanelis.com
  • by postal dispatch, accompanied by a copy of your identity document addressed to:
    9 Allée Charles Cros
    CS 70006, 31771 Colomiers Cedex

In regards to the opposition of your personal information for marketing research purposes, you can unsubscribe by following the link in our emails or by the different means of contact above.

Please contact us at the addresses mentioned above for any inquiries about the content of your rights. We will provide the response elements within a month following the reception of your request.

You also dispose of a right to appeal to the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) in the event of a breach of the applicable regulation for your personal information protection, particularly of the General Data Protection Regulation.

Security of the collected information

SCANELIS deploys organizational and technical security means adapted to the degree of sensibility of the personal data to protect them against any malicious intrusion, any modification or disclosure to unauthorized third parties.

All personal data are confidential, their access is limited to SCANELIS collaborators or service providers acting on behalf of SCANELIS for the execution of their missions. Anyone with access to your information is bound by a duty of confidentiality and is exposed to disciplinary measures and/or other penalties if they do not abide by these obligations.

Operations with a third-party recipient are subjected to a contract in order to ensure the protection of your personal information and the respect of your rights.


SCANELIS reserves the right to adapt its personal information protection policies and is committed to keep you informed of any of its modification or addition on its website.

Last version on 27/02/2019