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Mycoplasma felis

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Detection of Mycoplasma felis by real-time PCR

Reasons for testing

- Diagnostics of mycoplasmosis in cats with clinical signs (conjonctivitis, ulcerative keratitis, rhinosinusitis, coryza, pneumonia in kittens)
- Detection of chronic asymptomatic carriers

Test characteristics

- Real-time PCR, quantitative PCR
- Limit of detection
- Quantitative analysis of the M. felis load

Diagnostic samples

  • Ocular signs
    • conjunctival cells with a cytobrush (if chronic disorders) or a dry swab
    • corneal cells in case of keratitis: corneal using a hydrophilic membrane (reference on request) or with a dry swab
  • Coryza, rhinosinusitis, pneumonia: oropharyngeal, conjunctival +/- nasal cells, thoracic fluid, broncho-alveolar lavage, lung (with no formalin) according to the clinical signs
  • Status of asymptomatic animals: oropharyngeal cells (collect a sample from tonsils) with cytobrush or dry swab. Mycoplasma felis is rarely detected in conjunctival cells from asymptomatic cats.

Result interpretation

  • Negative result: absence of M. felis or quantity lower than the limit of detection of the assay
  • Positive result: presence of M. felis in the analyzed sample(s).
    In case of a very low load of M. felis, you will be informed on the analysis report. A positive result must be interpreted in the clinical context and depending on the duration of the clinical signs. The Scanelis Mycoplasma felis PCR assay enables quantitative testing (quantitative estimation of the bacterial load).
    To interpret the result in a clinical context, the rate of asymptomatic carriers in oropharyngeal cells must be considered : up to 20 % in catteries, mainly in rescue shelters (bibliographic data). M. felis is rarely detected in conjunctival samples from asymptomatic animals.
Do not hesitate to contact us for sample collecting advice or help in interpreting the results.