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Home > Veterinary tests > Scanelis PCR Tests > Birds, Ferret & Rabbit > Distemper Disease in Ferret

Quantitative analysis of Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) and strain typing (vaccine/infectious) which enables a reliable diagnosis on recently vaccinated animals with most of marketed vaccines

Reasons for testing

- Diagnostics of CDV infection in dog and ferret
- Post-diagnosis monitoring
- Assessment of epidemiological risk (to reveal viral spread in a group)

Test characteristics

- quantitative RT-PCR
- Limit of detection
- Quantitative analysis
- Typing of ALL vaccine strains (distinction of all infectious strains from all the vaccine strains available on the french veterinary market)

Diagnostic samples

- Blood (EDTA) (whatever the clinical signs)
- Blood and CSF (EDTA) in neurological forms
- Blood (EDTA) and conjunctival or oropharyngeal cells (cytobrushes or swabs) in presence of clinical signs (you can also perform kennel cough testing)
- Kidney, spleen, liver and lung post-mortem (with no formalin)
In chronic forms, we advise you to collect several samples (blood and other sample(s) according to the clinical symptoms).
For post-diagnostic monitoring, it is better to look for the virus in a pool of samples (blood, urine, conjunctival and oropharyngeal cells).

Result interpretation

The brand name/company of the used vaccines, the vaccination dates and the clinical context are necessary for result interpretation and must be indicated on the analysis request form.
- Positive result: compatible with a disease caused by CDV or viral spread
- Low quantity of vaccine strain: the vaccine strain was detected, probably linked to a recent vaccination
- Negative result: absence of Canine Distemper Virus in the analyzed sample or quantity lower than the limit of detection. An acute form of the disease can be excluded.